Teaching & Learning Today: February 2023
February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023
Welcome to Teaching and Learning TODAY. We encourage you to monitor this newsletter regularly and respond to those areas that interest you. We facilitate the development of professional learning by members, for members and are grateful for the opportunity to do so. Allow us to assist you to learn, grow professionally, and impact others.
Please share our newsletter far and wide!
Continue your NBCT journey by becoming a Professional Learning Facilitator (PLF). Join us Saturday, March 25 for PLF training that will prepare you to support candidates as a one-on-one mentor or cohort leader. This professional learning opportunity is offered to VEA members at no cost as a benefit of union membership. To learn more and register for this event, click here or scan the QR code.
VEA Celebrates #TeamNBCT Week
During the week of January 23-27, the VEA joined NBCT Networks around the country to celebrate #TeamNBCT week. Click here to check out a personal message from VEA President James Fedderman in acknowledgment of Virginia NBCTs and their accomplishment.
Virginia Legislators Consider Funding for National Board
Two bills introduced this legislative session (HB1424, SB1260) propose improvements to the existing stipend for eligible NBCTs. The proposed legislation not only increases the stipend but would also add grants to help cover the costs of the certification process. Please consider reaching out to your legislators to share stories of why this funding is important and how funding for the certification process can help break down barriers for eligible educators to become NBCTs. Encourage our lawmakers to approve the $8.9 million required to fully fund this priority. You can read more details about HB1424 in this Model FIS (virginia.gov).
From our friends at TTAC, check out a compilation of resources that focus on well-being and offer a myriad of tips and tools for taking care of yourself.
The work of the Department of Teaching and Learning extends out of headquarters and works directly with members. Meet the president of the Student Virginia Education Association Aspiring Educator Program.
Group Name: Student Virginia Education Association Aspiring Educators (SVEA-AE)
President: Jessica Bailey
# of years in VEA: 4
How has being a union member helped you?
I have found power in my voice. Being part of the SVEA-AE, VEA, and NEA families have helped me realize that I can create meaningful change by speaking up and sharing my story. Through my union, I have had the opportunity to advocate for myself and future students during lobby days at the state capitol, rallies against gun violence, as well as testifying in front of state advisory boards.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone in education, what would it be?
Find your “marigolds”. Surround yourself with people who will nurture, encourage, and help you grow. Having a village that supports you on those tough days and lifts you up on the good ones can make a big difference.
According to a American Library Association survey, 67% of voters oppose banning books from school libraries?
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